RARA-AVIS: Noir Films: Gerlach

From: Todd Mason ( Todd.Mason@tvguide.com)
Date: 21 Aug 2003

My favorite noirish films for the moment, on first reflection: THE MALTESE FALCON (Huston-written/directed) THE KILLERS (earlier--William Conrad's best role before radio's Matt Dillon) MURDER, MY SWEET PSYCHO (earlier, of course) THE HAUNTING (earlier, also of course, if horror can join the fun) THE BODY-SNATCHER (likewise) CAT PEOPLE (earlier, likewise) D.O.A. (earlier--deeply flawed, but still a favorite) ODD MAN OUT TOUCH OF EVIL and THE BIG SLEEP (the Brackett, et al., one)... and, on another day, THE LONG GOODBYE (the Brackett) and maybe any number of others. TM

-----Original Message----- From: GERLACH, Steven [mailto: steven.gerlach@smavic.com.au] Could everyone provide me with their picks of the best Noir films ever made? Then I'll hunt them down.

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