RARA-AVIS: Block off the hit list

From: Jesse Willis ( jessewillis@yahoo.com)
Date: 18 Aug 2003

Miker, you might want to watch the Cutter and Bone film when you finish the novel. Its called Cutter's Way. I remeber it fondly.


> Dialogue can make or break a book. Chances are, if
> an
> author can't write good dialogue, he also can't
> develop a good character. I'm deep into CUTTER AND
> BONE and the dialogue in it is sharp, entertaining,
> and defining. Superb. I hate having to put it
> down.
> I might finish it tonight if the daughter doesn't
> need
> too much help with her homework.
> miker

===== SFFAudio: http://www.sffaudio.com

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