At 18:36 11-08-03 -0400, you wrote:
>I'm almost done with 3 to Kill. Great, great book.
However, I was
>wondering about a number of, assumedly, French
cultural references (I
>got most of the jazz references).
I explained in RA, a few months back, about the Jazz
reference included in the original French title of this novel
: "Le petit bleu de la cote ouest", which literally could be:
the small blue from the West Coast- obviously a reference to
' a small blues from the West Coast', in a kind of play of
words across two languages. The new title: Trois homme
abattre (3 to Kill) comes from the cinema adaptation based on
Manchette's novel. Even if not bad, the film is not on par
with the book.
>Can anyone help with any of the
>Bea is a movie publicist. She refers to screenings of
the "new
>Feldman." Somehow I doubt she's referring to either
Corey or Marty, the
>only two filmic Feldmans I can think of.
Marty Feldamn is a good guess I think. Was already very
popular in Europe
(and France) when Manchette's novel was published (1976),
success mainly due to two of his best films released at the
time. This British comedian was also well known for his TV
>She reads "Edgar Morin's latest book" while he reads
an old JD
>MacDonald. Given her other taste, am I right to
assume Morin is pretty
>literary and/or trendy? She later reads "a book by
someone called
>Castoriadis." Also literary?
Not really. Edgar Morin is a French sociologist, very in
favor during the 70s. He was famous for his essays on culture
and its means of spreading, and other books. On the other
hand, Castoriadis does not ring a bell (at least to
>One of the hit men reads comic books (and sci-fi),
first Strange, which
>features Daredevil, Captain Marvel (two Marvel
characters on this side
>of the Atlantic, well, at least the later,
non-Shazam, Captain Marvel)
>and "The Spider."
Here I pass, because I didn't re-read Manchette's book
recently... and my comics references are still buried in many
unopen boxes.
Hope the above helps.
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