Re: RARA-AVIS: Debord (was Jean-Patrick Manchette)

From: Michael Robison (
Date: 09 Aug 2003

Mark Sullivan wrote:
> And for those of us who are monolingual, a relatively new, and far more
> readable English version came out n 1995. It was translated by David
> Nicholson-Smith, who also translated the City Lights edition of 3 to
> Kill.
> Debord's more personal Panegyric is also pretty interesting.

*********** I've gone back through this thread and I can't find the name of the Debord novel you guys are referring to. Is it THE SOCIETY OF THE SPECTACLE? I found it at Amazon. Is it hardboiled or noir? I get the impression it's nonfiction political science or social commentary.

Thanks, miker

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