Re: RARA-AVIS: THE MOUSE (was:Simenon month)

From: Etienne Borgers (
Date: 07 Aug 2003

At 23:12 05-08-03 -0400, Bill Denton wrote:
>It's August, and that means it's Georges Simenon month. I haven't seen
>any reports on Simenon reading yet, and the only one I could lay hands on
>is THE MOUSE (M. LA SOURIS) (1938) (une souris is a mouse). The back
>cover says it's about a tramp who finds a lot of money on a dead man. It
>wasn't on M. Borger's list of recommended titles but my pickings were
>lean. Perhaps it's related to THE CAT (1967) which is noir.

Monsieur La Souris - The Mouse -(1938) is not a noir novel but is a real mystery novel. The story goes about a near "perferct" murder. Mouse is the nickname of an old bump. So, 'The Mouse' as no link at all with THE CAT and its psychotic characters Curio: Simenon in THE MOUSE uses a character that appears in the Maigret series: l'inspecteur Lognon (a police detective).

But I didn't read it myself.

E.Borgers Hard-Boiled Mysteries htttp://

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