Chris, I don't see any reason to subdivide the sexes further.
Brandstetter is a man. How he likes to have sex tells me
nothing about what he thinks of women or how he relates to
them. It tells me even less about the author's view of men
cum/versus women. Brandstetter's actions can inform the
reader on those views, but not the fact that he engages in
certain acts.
By the way, I don't think he belongs to any "sort". I deny
that that sort, or the so-called "hetero" sort, is a sort. I
see only acts. This is arguable and has been argued to death
from every viewpoint imaginable, but it's way off topic and I
don't have much to say except that it's a political issue of
the modern age. It's a hot issue right now...
By the second way, I'm a fan of the Brandstetter series. It's
strong, realistic and rereadable, despite the unglamorous
protagonist. This PI series and its author deserve to be
better known.
I am going to check out Nava in the library. I had read about
this PI series but I never did pick it up.
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