Re: RARA-AVIS: academic questions

From: Michael Robison (
Date: 05 Aug 2003

Jay Gertzman wrote:
> ...But here's
> something that is not "crap" about the classic crime novels of the 30s:
> Male protagonists prefer a world where women do not influence their
> moral choices or restrain their subversive sense of justice.

Male protagonists prefer a world where NOBODY influences their moral choices.

> PIs like Archer, Marlowe, and Spade are very aware of who they
> are and what they stand for.

Isn't Archer Ross Macdonald's character? That wasn't 1930s, was it? Late forties or early fifties, wasn't it?

> They accept their isolation, and like singleness as much as
> they like going to bed with, taking to, and enjoying the company of
> women. It's a very important question.

What's the question? Was it in an earlier thread?


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