RARA-AVIS: Starr, Movies, Current Reads

From: Donna ( donna.moore@virgin.net)
Date: 04 Aug 2003

Miker wrote:

> I'm getting ready to order some books from Amazon and
> I've got Jason Starr's TOUGH LUCK on the list. I've
> never read him and I notice there are several others available
> by him. Is TOUGH LUCK a good one to start with? What
> would you recommend starting with? What is his best?

I don't know whether it's his best, as I haven't read enough to judge, but I really enjoyed HARD FEELINGS. Fascinating but unlikeable characters, gripping writing, and a look at someone on the verge of cracking up. Very noir.

Doug wrote:
> Hey, I'd vote for Steve Martin in _Dead Men don't Wear Plaid_.

I love that film - a very affectionate look at the PI genre and old movies. I have a day off work today and am going to watch My Favourite Brunette which was another recommendation from the list.

I've just finished reading Simon Kernick's new one - THE MURDER EXCHANGE which was excellent. Very hardboiled and dark, but not as bleak as his previous book. Now reading Pelecanos' RIGHT AS RAIN to be followed by HELL TO PAY, as I'm trying to read as many Anthony nominees as possible so I can vote pre Bouchercon. I've read and enjoyed Pelecanos before, but can't believe I've never read the Strange/Quinn series. Great stuff.

Donna (I will try and remember to remove my signature line in future since a member of the list described it as 'simple'. I think I was being insulted, but am too simple to be 100% sure :o) )

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