RARA-AVIS: Goines/Born in a Mighty Bad Land

From: funkmasterj@runbox.com
Date: 17 Jul 2003


Long-time lurker here. I just read Jerry Bryant's "'Born in a Mighty Bad Land': The Violent Man in African American Folklore and Fiction". It is an excellent book, but it gave me a hankering to pick up the rest of Donald Goines' books that I don't have. Any suggestions on the cheapest way to go (I only have 4 of the 16). I will also buy the 2 Iceberg Slim books I don't have.

Bryant's book has a chaper entitled "Toast Novels", which discusses Donald Goines and Iceberg Slim. He also has a chapter on Chester Himes (I have his entire Harlem cycle courtesy of Payback Press).

Jordan Rich

homepage: http://funkmasterj.tripod.com

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