I cannot answer your basic question about the documentation
on publishers, but your feeling about the absence of racial
topics in HB/Noir of the 40-50s is not totally true, neither
the absence of Black Americans as central characters in some
novels written by white authors. Reality of these days was
that these topics when treated in a realist manner, with
violence and social insanity as corollaries, did not find
easily an American publisher.
The first example I remember is Don Tracy's HOW SLEEP THE
BEAST, the story of a young Black man having murdered a white
woman in Maryland. One of the climaxes was the chase and
lynching of the culprit by a mad crowd, wherein violence and
brutal description of a mutilation built one of the tougher
scenes I know about the subject in a novel. Published in 1937
! Was at first rejected by the American publishers (but is
this really a surprise?), and its first release happened in
the UK.
Richard Marsten (= Ed McBain) wrote a novel about the
unjustified chase of a young Black man suspected of having
murdered a thug. The whole thing has Harlem as background, is
rather dense, and the young Black is the central character.
That's RUNAWAY BLACK (1954).
Richard Jessup's THE CUNNING AND THE HAUNTED (1954) which is
basically a novel about the coming of age of an orphan
teenager, gives very violent descriptions of the worlds of
convicts and abandoned children. An old Black man, escaped
convict, is an important secondary character, and a part of
the novel takes place in Black peoples' environment. Very
noir and tough.
For Mexicans playing an important part, see William
O'Farell's WETBACK
(1956). The title says all about what kind of Mexicans are
depicted therein… Violent and tough and a strong anti-racism
There's more than this list, but I didn't read recently most
of the remaining novels. So, my remembrance of those that
could be added is not very accurate…
E.Borgers Hard-Boiled Mysteries http://www.geocities.com/Athens/6384
At 12:43 16-07-03 -0400, you wrote:
>I've noticed that in noir crime novels of the 40s and
50 by white
>novelists (Goodis, Chandler, Woolrich, Hammett) that
>and Puerto Rican characters have only minor roles,
especially of a
>positive nature, even though the downtown honky-tonk
or ghetto areas
>loom large in the stories. I may be simply wrong on
this, and I know
>Goodis gave some important roles to Puerto Ricans
(Eddie's first wife in
>_Down There_, the gang in _Street of No Return_). I
was wondering what
>the requirements of the publishers had to do with
this. They might have
>had templates regarding race, as they had regarding
allowable use of
>four-letter words, sexual explicitness, and extreme
violence. Perhaps
>the publishers thought their readership was not
interested in ethnic
>minorities other than Europeans. Does anyone know if
the paperback or
>hardback publishers had such templates regarding
race? Are any archives
>available, other than for New American
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