Re: RARA-AVIS: Willeford month

From: JT Lindroos (
Date: 09 Jul 2003

> Now I'm just waiting for THE SECOND HALF OF THE DOUBLE FEATURE to
> appear...supposedly, it should be out this month.

After several delays at the printer, I am now told that they *should* have the proofs on Thursday (07/10), and as long as all is well I *should* have the trade paperback available early next week. Hardcover (with poetry) goes to the printers (if no problems) the day after I have the trade in hand, and
*should* get copies of that within two weeks. It has been a frustrating wait with a number of delays (resulting in having to omit a terrific, unpublished story), but I *know* the end result will be worth the wait....


JT Lindroos
wit's end publishing
Forthcoming: The Second Half of the Double Feature by Charles Willeford

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