RARA-AVIS: Willeford month

From: Larson, Craig ( Craig.Larson@trinidadstate.edu)
Date: 09 Jul 2003

I read all the Hoke Mosley novels back in the late 80s, when they were released in the yellow- covered paperbacks by Ballantine? Berkeley? I had never heard of Willeford before, but I was a fan of John D. McDonald and Florida-based mysteries, so when I first saw these books in the local college bookstore (Van's, a huge combination book/record/video store in West Lafayette, Indiana), I snapped them up and devoured them very quickly (when I should have been reading more serious material for my graduate English classes). I remember loving those books and I'm pretty sure I held on to them--they're in a box somewhere--which is not something I do with all the books I buy. In honor of Willeford month, I'll have to give one of his other non-series books a try. I did buy and enjoy the video of _The Woman Chaser_ based on discussion here on this list, and I think I've got several of his other books somewhere in the bookshelves.

Craig Larson Trinidad, CO

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