Re: RARA-AVIS: Marlowe movies as Bracketted

Date: 02 Jul 2003

In a message dated 7/2/2003 3:27:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> Chandler did some scriptwriting too, I know. Although I
> haven't specifically heard what he thought about it, I can assume he
> hated it. But then again, there wasn't much he approved of
> anyway.

Here's a link to his article Oscar Night in Hollywood:

Also, here's a couple of quotes from RC:

Raymond Chandler (1888-1959)
 "If my books had been any worse I should not have been invited to Hollywood and if they had been any better I should not have come."

Quotes > Browse

Raymond Chandler

Hollywood and Writers

They don't want you until you have made a name, and by the time you have made a name, you have developed some kind of talent they can't use. All they will do is spoil it, if you let them.

There's also a book entitled Raymond Chandler in Hollywood, by Al Clark but I haven't read it. Steven H.

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