Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: Marlowe

Date: 02 Jul 2003


Re your comment below:

> Elliot Gould's most famous movie role was as
> Trapper John in MASH. He
> played Marlowe in the Robert Altman's 1973 version
> of
> The Long Goodbye.

Sure, and I suppose next you'll be trying to convince me that he was once married to Barbra Streisand and that he once starred in a sitcom called E/R with George Clooney before Michael Crichton even conceived of the current identically-titled NBC medical drama.

And who's this Altman guy? You're telling me some guy named Altman actually made a Marlowe film? Oh, come on! Who wrote it? Leigh Brackett, the co-scripter of THE BIG SLEEP, I suppose!

All I have to say is, if Altman and this mysthical Gould character ever actually did a film version of Chandler's most ambitious novel, I must have considered it beneath my notice.


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