RE: RARA-AVIS: Goovy Marlowe

From: Robison Michael R CNIN (
Date: 02 Jul 2003

Richard Moore wrote:

I agree with this opinion. Garner would have been a fine Marlowe but this movie did not retain much of the Marlowe flavor for me even though it followed the original plot. My opinion might be influenced by the fact that I first saw this film in Vietnam, shown on an outdoor screen to a bunch of us GIs. As the movie went along it began to seem rather surreal. Conversations began to buzz asking others in the audience for explanations and eventually guys began shouting at the screen. Now shouting at the screen was not in itself unusual but in this case the shouts were "What the hell!!! Is it just me or has this thing gone weird?" Of course most members of the audience were partaking of various liquid refreshments or abusing non-liquid substances. As I had commented on having read the book I was called on to explain the course of events which proved very difficult. In the sober light of the next day I realized that the stoned GI running the projector had, following the first reel, slapped on the others in random order turning a routine drama into an avantgarde experience.
******** Great story, Richard. Loved it.


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