RARA-AVIS: Re: RARA-AVIS Digest V5 #203 - 2 quick points.

From: Marianne Macdonald ( marianne.macdonald@lineone.net)
Date: 27 Jun 2003

> Joesph
> Conrad's HEART OF DARKNESS (also narrated by a Marlowe, one who
> possibly
> influenced Chandler - I don't know for sure).

I hope that somebody who knows about this will comment: I thought I read, years ago, that Chandler took the name Marlowe from Heart of Darkness quite deliberately, and that he was greatly influenced by the book - which IMNSHO is one of the great literary works of the 20c.

> if her word is to be trusted, he lay on the floor beside the
> soundstage while directing the scene and mocked being anally
> insulted; his interpretation, apparently, was that she was enjoying
> being raped.

I remember that many critics at the time pointed this out (usually indignantly) and I kinda remember remembering I thought I agreed with this. (!) It was a disturbing film for many reasons.


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