Re: RARA-AVIS: guns (and Hammer)

From: Etienne Borgers (
Date: 26 Jun 2003

At 00:31 26-06-03 -0400, you wrote:
>After clarifying the .38/.45 question in regards to Mike Hammer
>(thanks), Jim wrote:
>"When the later series, the one with with Stacy Keach, was made,
>Spillane stipulated that, whatever else was done, Mike Hammer HAD to
>carry a .45 automatic."
>I seem to recall that that was one of two stipulations, the other being
>that it must be set in NYC. It made me wonder how they got him to sign
>off on the Rob Estes version set in Miami.

And.. there was another one (earlier, but in telefilm format) WITH Stacey Keach. He had his .45, OK ...but the whole story took place in LAS VEGAS:
"Murder Takes All" 1989. Head and shoulder above Rob Esteve's.

E.Borgers Hard-Boiled Mysteries

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