From: Ed Poe (
Date: 24 Jun 2003

> You didn't find the violence and the careless humour
> worked against each
> other? I left a bad taste in my mouth. They can go
> together, but
> Gischler didn't pull it off for me.
> Bill

I thought G-MONKEYS was brilliant, one of the most enjoyable books I've read in the last five years. Anything that opens with a headless corpse rolling around in a car and progresses to exploding jelly donuts has a lot going for it.

I will say that the scene where Charlie beats up the guy in the shower was a little too much for me, only because I was sympathetic to Charlie and it seemed like he was torturing the bad guy. (come to think of it . . . he WAS torturing the bad guy)

--Ed (who can hardly wait for PISTOL POETS or whatever the the next Gischler story is called)

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