RARA-AVIS: *L.A. Reguiem* point-of-view

From: Bludis Jack ( buildsnburns@yahoo.com)
Date: 06 May 2003

Apparently Al Guthrie and I agree that first-person / third-person points of view don't work well together, even in alternating sections or with sections in italics.

My complaint was not so much that the points of view alternated as the fact that in scenes where Elvis was present and was writing first person, he hung back like a spectator until it was time for him to "enter," and it didn't seem natural.

Often I began reading a section of exposition or description with no idea until a page later that it was Elvis's point of view. In a book written all first person, there is no problem, but it is jarring when you realize you are in the wrong head, so-to-speak.

But I will say again that I thoroughly enjoyed the book--in spite of the fact that I wanted PI, and got a police procedural.

I was warned by a friend that I should read another Cole / Pike book first.


===== Hollywood Mysteries of the Early Fifties
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