RARA-AVIS: Re: Traven

From: Marianne Macdonald ( marianne.macdonald@lineone.net)
Date: 03 Apr 2003

Personally, I wouldn't know a Traven from a Marut, but my ex was very interested in him years ago, so I forwarded the relevant comments to him. You might be amused to see his response, which I quote to you in the interests of self-awareness (see the final line):

> Hi , Yes, I reviewed or at least mentioned the stuff about Ret
> Marut & the
> Ziegelbrenner decades back, and I have seen letters signed by his
> Mexico
> City agent, probably himself. Huston was probably dealing with him
> direct
> without knowing it, I didnt think anybody took any stock in the
> alternative
> theories any more, but the subject has actually gone rather dead
> except for
> sentimental lefties past their sbd , like us xx



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