RARA-AVIS: More music more music more music...

From: Kevin Burton Smith ( kvnsmith@thrillingdetective.com)
Date: 28 Mar 2003

>In the Bloodworth fiction I write these days,
>mainly shorts and novelettes, I could carry him into his
>eighties, which may be a little limiting, but I prefer to keep
>him in his middle years. Even if I wanted to, I don't think I
>could update his sensibilities, however. So, honest or not, he's
>not going to be trading in his Cab Calloway records on Snoop Dogg

And if he did, it would be notable. Why? Because music does matter, and some types of folks like some sorts of music.

And I understand Leo's taste in music. It fits HIM.. Same way, oh, say, Spenser -- who must be pushing 70 -- listens to that stuff. But for someone to start a series now about a thirty or forty-something guy who only listens to music from the forties, well, sure, it happens, but it's uncommon enough to at least be seen as possibly sorta precious.


Kevin -- # To unsubscribe from the regular list, say "unsubscribe rara-avis" to # majordomo@icomm.ca. This will not work for the digest version. # The web pages for the list are at http://www.miskatonic.org/rara-avis/ .

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