Re: RARA-AVIS: Payback

From: Mark Sullivan (
Date: 24 Mar 2003

Bill D wrote:

"I haven't seen Robert Duvall as Parker, or the other adaptations, but Lee Marvin always seemed perfect to me, and that's how I imagine Parker
(and he's very close to Stark's description)."

To me, Lee Marvin is Parker (yes, I know, his name was Walker in the movie, but you know what I mean). That said, it's been a long, long time since I saw it as a late night movie, but I thought Robert Duvall was very good in the role. I remember his being a bit more personable than the Parker in the books, but he did a nice turn as a professional criminal. Man, I've got to dig through my tapes to see if I ever recorded that so I can see it again.

Wouldn't that be great, a DVD set of all of the Parker adaptations? Sorta speaking of which, anyone know a source for the early cut of Payback?


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