Re: RARA-AVIS: Payback

From: Ron Clinton (
Date: 21 Mar 2003

Steve Gerlach wrote:
> G'day everyone,
> Just joined the list yesterday and I'm thrilled to see talk about Stark
> Aussie crime. :)

After years of my forwarding on Rara-Avis messages to him every now and then -- and boasting about the list's insight and knowledge -- to him , I'm sure to glad to have Steve here; he'll be a real asset to the list, having been "...the editor and publisher of an international crime magazine", a novelist and contributor to several other crime-and-suspense oriented publications. He's also the nephew (nephew-in-law?) of Gary Disher, the author of the Wyatt novels that have been discussed numerous times on this list.

He's one of the good ones.

Ron Clinton

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