RE: RARA-AVIS: RE: John Williams review

From: Robison Michael R CNIN (
Date: 20 Mar 2003

Dick Lochte wrote:

Bravo to John Williams. His review of "The Final Country" managed to not only sum up Crumley's career brilliantly and economically but to underline the importance of "The Last Good Kiss" and
"Country" in the manner in which they reflect their times. Damn fine job. Worth noting is his mention, albeit brief, of Crumley's usually overlooked "Dancing Bear" as the "classic PI novel" that it most certainly is.
********* I have only read THE LAST GOOD KISS, but I was just as thrilled as Dick concerning John's review. I've got a book by Crumley titled something like COUNT TO CADENCE or something like that. Is that the unnamed Texas epic John mentions?

Thanks, miker

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