RARA-AVIS: High Priest of California--The Play

From: Moorich2@aol.com
Date: 10 Mar 2003

I know I flagged the debut off-broadway production of Charles Willeford's play "The High Priest of California" and if anyone posted a review of the play, I missed it. So if I am repeating the review by the New Yorker magazine, I apologize. From the March 10th issue of the New Yorker:

"Charles Willeford was a novelist in the Raymond Chandler tradition; in this, his only play--presented by the 29th Street Rep--he gives an engrossing depiction of sexual manipulation. Willeford is particularly skilled at presenting deceit as blunt honesty, and the reverse, as he unfolds his classic noir tale of an unhappily married woman and the man she picks up one night. As the stuggling couple, David Mogentale and Carol Sirugo both turn in powerful performances. Directed, with a fine respect for telling silences, by Leo Farley. (212 W. 29th St. 212-206-1515.)

That's one heckuva rave review! I wonder if Betsy is out there and has seen this production and can offer her comments?

As a guy who spent a lot of time in theater work with small companies, I have to think the author would glow with satisfaction at such a review of a New York production of his play.

As for me, I really want to manage to get to New York in time to see this. If my memory serves, this production will end with the month of March.

Richard Moore

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