Re: RARA-AVIS: H. A. De Rosso

From: Ron Clinton (
Date: 09 Mar 2003

From: <>
> A while back James Reasoner mentioned De Rosso as a western
> writer who might be of interest. I read a De Rosso book and
> liked it enough to read another one, which I just finished.
> 44 is a terrific noir western, just about as dark as they
> come, and I recommend it to anyone who'd like to see how
> westerns and noir mix. My copy is an old Lion Book from the
> early 1950s, but I believe this title was reprinted by
> Leisure Books not so long ago.

I haven't had the pleasure of reading them all, but Ed Gorman's Five-Star publishing firm has put out two or three collections of his short stories
(and I think Leisure has reprinted at least one in paperback), and what I've read has been terrific, very noir'ish stuff dressed up in boots and spurs. Someone -- might've been Bill Pronzini or suspense author Tom Piccrilli -- called him the Cornell Woolrich of the western genre. Pretty apt label, I think.

Ron Clinton

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