RE: RARA-AVIS: Hardboiled Hollywood

From: Robison Michael R CNIN (
Date: 05 Mar 2003

Ed Lynskey wrote:

Sorry, miker. I misread your original post. I still hold, however, John Garfield played a pretty tough hb character in Hollywood.

****** That's OK, Ed. I figure I didn't make myself very clear. I haven't seen anything to loosen my faith in McCoy's THEY SHOOT HORSES, DON'T THEY? being the first. And I need to go through the posts on the subject again, but Al is the only person I can remember suggesting another one in the Thirties. Later on, of course, they became more common. Day Keene's LOVE ME AND DIE is definitely Hollywood.

From the intro to THE BLACK MASK BOYS, I see that there was a Hollywood agent series in Black Mask, but I doubt that it's reprinted anywhere.

Thanks, miker

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