Yesterday I re-read Phillips' SUITABLE FOR FRAMING. It was
published in 1949, so it pre-dates the Joe Gall books that
Phillips did for Gold Medal as Philip Atlee by a number of
years. But it's very similar in style, and the first-person
narrator could easily be Joe Gall in different
(Although Gall first appeared in a third-person book written
not long after this one.) The book has some scenes of really
brutal violence, along with some excellent local-color
writing. Well worth getting your hands on.
Bill, I think John D. MacDonald regretted having written NO
DEADLY DRUG. It required a lot of time and research and
didn't sell very many copies. As I recall, JDM said he could
have used that time better if he'd written a couple of McGee
novels instead.
Bill Crider
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