> I want to find the one that Evan Hunter sold for him
when Hunter
> was working for Scott Meredith. It was for a
struggling paperback house
> published novels under the Falcon imprint. The fee
was $250 down and
> $250 on handing in an approved manuscript. The whole
thing went smoothly
> he collected the second fee but then Hunter called
him and told him he had
> add 5000 words to the end of the novel. The way
Turner managed it was
> slick and won Hunter's admiration. Hunter had
personal experience with
> publisher as they published his first mystery the
legendary THE EVIL
> (1952) as well as another the same year THE BIG FIX,
later reprinted by
> Medal as SO NUDE, SO DEAD as by Richard
Interesting about "Evan Hunter" and his other pen names. I
first spotted at the front of one of his early novels that
the book was copyright registered to Salvatore A. Lombino.
From what I've seen in later "Ed McBain" and "Evan Hunter"
books, he no longer mentions Lombino, which was his
birth-name. I undersand that the author legally changed his
name to "Ed McBain."
-- Sidney.
He was born on the 15th of October in 1926, the only child of
parents of
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