RARA-AVIS: Re: Martina Cole & Liz Evans

From: Joy Matkowski ( jmatkowski1@comcast.net)
Date: 24 Feb 2003

I really must learn to type smiley faces. I was keeping my TBR in the master bathroom until moving around became difficult, and now it's blocking my access to the alarm clock. I'm reading a lot but not making much progress on the stacks.
    Over the weekend I read two of Liz Evans's Grace Smith books, and I'm now on Barking, the newest the last I looked. I wonder if a case can be made for these books being hardboiled. Grace was forced to resign from the police for misconduct, works as a private detective, and lives as a squatter.

Joy, who has a neighbor with no books at all

"Marianne Macdonald" was misled when I signed off as
> > Joy, who really needs another TBR
and responded:
> You're the only person in the world who doesn't have a TBR pile??? Wow!

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