Re: RARA-AVIS: Pulp Jungle & Robert Turner

From: James Reasoner (
Date: 14 Feb 2003

> Can't remember who starred in "Tombstone Territory" but I recall really
> liking the show. I think the hero ran the newspaper in Tombstone. Maybe
> Bill will remember if it wasn't on opposite "The Lone Ranger" down in
> TX.

Richard Eastham played Harris Claibourne, the editor of the Tombstone Epitaph. Pat Conway was the actual lead, playing Sheriff Clay Hollister.

I admit, I looked up that info. I do remember the show and the voice-over narration by the newspaper editor, and I sort of remember Pat Conway. Richard Eastham is a complete unknown to me, though.

I enjoyed Gruber's THE PULP JUNGLE when I read it from the library many years ago. I also read and really liked the BRASS KNUCKLES collection. I own a copy of that one and keep thinking I'm going to reread it, but you know how that goes. I remember being really impressed by Gruber's account in both books of how he wrote a spy story for the OPERATOR 5 pulp in a very short period of time, giving an almost minute by minute account of how the story was written. Always liked those speed demons who could write whatever an editor asked for.

Gruber's mysteries are almost all lightweight, funny, and enjoyable. His Westerns are where the bleak, noirish side of his work emerges.


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