RE: RARA-AVIS: Re: Bethany, Spenser, and Yuppies

From: Mark Sullivan (
Date: 13 Jan 2003

miker wrote:

"But I think the book I'm on now tops them all for quantity. In the first 30 pages he mentions Thomas Mann's MAGIC MOUNTAIN, T.S. Eliot's WASTELAND, Farrell's STUDS LONIGAN, Dostoyevsky, MOBY DICK, and Gaddis's RECOGNITIONS. Anybody want to venture a guess at the title?"

I knew I had read it recently, but I had to flip through a couple of books to remember which one: Epitaph for a Tramp by David Markson. There are at least as many literary shot outs in the follow up, Epitaph for a Dead Beat. The overheard dialog at a beat party alone is hilarious.


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