RE: RARA-AVIS: The Fifties (mike)

From: Robison Michael R CNIN (
Date: 29 Nov 2002

Jim Beaver wrote: I posted a few years ago my great pleasure reading VIOLENT SATURDAY. I had liked the film version a lot and read the book just hoping to recapture some of the feel from the film, but I was quite wonderfully surprised with Heath's writing and I've been intending to catch up on some of his other work as well. So, miker, here's another (and quite hearty) recommendation for VIOLENT SATURDAY.

********** Thanks, Jim. I've been trying to stay a month ahead of decade we're covering, so I appreciate the recommendation. I've got just a couple more that I want to read in the 40s (for now), so I've been composing a tentative list for the 50s and Al and Bill and you have taken a lot of the guess work out of it. I've got a few waiting to be read, like Chandler's LONG GOODBYE, Keene's LOVE ME AND DIE, Williams's HOT SPOT, and Gil Brewer's WILD, but they aren't long books and won't take long to read, so I need to get on the stick and order some more. And no, all those authors aren't new to me, but I've slackened off that just a bit. I think JDM's CAPE FEAR was written during the 50s, and I've got a copy of that and I haven't read a non-Travis JDM, so I think I'll read it too.

Incidentally, when I finish Homes's BUILD MY GALLOWS HIGH, I will have completed another 20 new authors. WAHOOOO!


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