Thanks James and Doug, for your comments on Pendleton. I'm
glad to hear that I slipped into low enough serial numbers to
pick one of his out. There's an essay about him in MURDER OFF
THE RACK, and I want to read at least one of his so I'm
familiar with him. I wish I could have got one of the very
early ones to read, but #37 was the best I could do here
locally, and buying from Abebooks almost guaratees a $4
shipping charge in addition to the cost of the book, so 75
cents sounded like a bargain.
And noting your comment on Pendleton being camp, Doug:
In some of this older stuff, it's hard to tell where the
seriousness leaves off and the camp begins. Out of the last
six books I've read, two were outright accused of being
jokes: Vian's I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE and Hallas's YOU PLAY THE
BLACK AND THE RED COMES UP. And I've been working my way
through Bellem's HIGH ADVENTURES #60 collection, and although
I absolutely love them, it's pretty darned hard to take them
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