In a message dated 11/14/02 7:28:34 PM, writes:
<< Although some very good comics have been mentioned
in this thread, no one has brought up Dave Lapham's Stray
Bullets. This is an amazing series (although each issue is
self-contained) about a bunch of people living on the edge of
the criminal underworld. Although they are not averse to
criminal undertakings, most of them just aren't very good at
it. Lapham's Murder Me Dead series ain't bad, either, very
reminiscent of Goodis (with perhaps a little bit of Cain or
Thompson). >>
I was mentioning Stray Bullets in a long post and my computer
crashed. didn't feel like going thru the exercise again. I'd
also recommend BADLANDS by Steven Grant and Vince Giarrano;
WHITE OUT by Greg Rucka and Steve Lieber; as well as Howard
John Lau
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