RARA-AVIS: Round Robin for Noir videos?

From: Dixon Chandler II ( dchandler@nettally.com)
Date: 14 Nov 2002

Long-time lurker here ...

I know the list is full of noir fans, as I've corresponded with several of you. I'm sure many of you are like me: disappointed that your local video store doesn't enough of the obscure stuff. I'd love to BUY more videos, but usually what, 20 bucks or so, for an obscure title. To a middle-aged government worker like myself, about to step off into the shadows ... it adds up.

Would anybody be interested in contributing to a round-robin of noir video rentals? Here's how it would work:

1. Each member of the group/list buys ONE video title of a moderately obscure noir title on video.

2. Watch your movie, then send it to the next person on the list within ONE WEEK.

3. Receive a new movie in the mail.

4. Rinse and Repeat.

5. If we can get 50 members, that's a year's worth of movies, for the cost of ONE movie and a few bucks postage.

If you're interested, please contact me off-list at: dchandler@nettally.com.


PS: Actually, we do have a good local video store (Video 21), and they ARE good with obscure stuff ... but I'm hoping to really latch onto some noir I've never seen.

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