Oddly, I thought I'd sent this mail some time ago today, but
can't find any evidence.
Frank Miller is a guest on FRESH AIR today, the NPR interview
show: www.whyy.org and the 91FM pages for streaming audio,
right now (just after 3pm ET) and repeated at 7pm ET as
streaming simulcast, and it will be archived, barring the
flood or Miller's objections, as a sound file there.
I picked up a copy of a (Paperjacks?) mass-market paperback
edition of MS. TREE a few months back as a drugstore
remainder, but in that format the dialog is tiny enough for
eyestrain, sadly. TM
-----Original Message----- From: Kevin Burton Smith
>I like Miller's work too, though I find his SIN CITY
slightly hollow in
>comparison - although it is a wonderfully fun and
highly stylised
>Chandler-Spillaine pastiche, with fantastic
I'd have to agree. Miller's skill with large areas of black
ink far surpasses his writing skill. For crime comics, go
with Vertigo's 100 BULLETS or some of their other
mini-series, most of which are collected in graphic novels.
SCENE OF THE CRIME and JONNY DOUBLE are particularly worth
tracking down.
Going back a few years, Max Allan Collins (the Nate Heller
series, etc.) and Terry Beatty's MS. TREE is still the
yardstick by which a continuing series in the hard-boiled
crime category should be judged. The series jumped from
publisher to publisher, but most of it is available in
graphic novel form. Nothing fancy, and Beatty's
"just-the-facts, Ma'am" drawing style is miles away from the
stylized artistry of Miller or Risso, but like Collins
meat-and-potatoes prose, or Ms. Tree herself, it gets the job
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