Marianne Macdonald wrote: If anybody would like me to cc them
a 2nd hand books catalogue from Kirk Ruebotham, in Runcorn,
Cheshire, contact me. There is probably more sf than crime in
it, but there IS quite a bit of crime, everything from
Christie to Spillane to contemporary, some of the 50s, 60s
and 70s pb stuff looks quite obscure; more UK than US. But
******* Good to see you here again, Marianne. I was afraid
that you'd given up on rara-avis after the limited response
to your request about the problems a writer has creating
convincing opposite sex characters.
I read Dorothy Hughes's RIDE A PINK HORSE recently, and she
seemed to do a good job with writing guys. I read Dorothy
Baker's YOUNG MAN WITH A HORN and I'm afraid she was
struggling with everything, including the characters. I
thought Chavarria recently did a great job with the girl
protagonist in ADIOS MUCHACHOS. After thinking about it a
while, I decided Chavarria did an admirable job of developing
a female version of hardboiled tough- ness, too.
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