Jim Doherty wrote, in response to my confusion about where
"Road to Perdition" starts:
> It starts off in a metropolitan area now known
> "Quad-Cities," but, at the time of the movie, known
> "Tri-Cities." It's made up of three (now
> adjacent, medium-sized cities on the
> border that, together, would make up one big
> The towns are, Davenport, IA; Rock Island, IL;
> Moline, IL. In recent years East Moline, IL, has
> included, hence the change from Tri-Cities
> Quad-Cities.
*********** Thanks, Jim. I've actually been there on business
about 10 years ago, but I never caught any references to
where the movied started. I had guessed New York simply
because it looked big town and in distance it was close to an
overnight drive to Chicago.
The issue of "graphic novel" pops up here. A month or two ago
I would have used the term "comic book" in a derogatory
manner, but I've been looking at some here recently and think
I need to reconsider. Barnes and Noble has a bunch of the
"Sandman" issues, which is Neil Gaiman's story. I would have
liked to buy a couple, but they were pretty expensive. A
long, LONG, time ago I remember buying comic books which
involved terror and desperation and loving it. I cannot
remember what they were called.
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