Richard replied to me:
"I am sorry to hear from Mark Sullivan that Sam Fuller's
adaptation of David Goodis' STREET OF NO RETURN is horrible.
Fuller's autobiography complains that the producer Jacques
Bral spent a year recutting the movie while stiffing the crew
for their pay. He does not comment on the quality of the
recut/released version of the film although he notes it was a
box office disaster."
First of all, it starred Keith Carradine. Although I think
Carradine is great in many Robert Altman and Alan Rudolph
films, he was horribly miscast for this one. Plus, his
character's memories of stardom keep cutting to the glamorous
rock video he made which featured the girl he still loves.
This also seemed terribly out of place and probably had more
to do with trying to revive Carradine's music career than
moving the plot forward. Plus, it must have used up the whole
budget because the scenes in the cop station are ridiculous,
incredibly cheap looking and, if I recall correctly,
contained poorly dubbed and/or synched audio. It's just a
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