RARA-AVIS: Sam Fuller

From: Moorich2@aol.com
Date: 03 Nov 2002

I've been on a Sam Fuller kick lately, kicked off by seeing Tim Robbins documentary on the novelist/screenwriter/director. Rewatched "The Steel Helmet" and "Pickup on South Street" with great enjoyment as well as "The Virginan" he made with Lee Marvin. I was surprised to read a review of his just released autobiography A THIRD FACE in the New York Times, as Fuller died five years ago. It lists Fuller's wife and a friend as co-writers and as Fuller had had a stroke prior to completing the book, I suppose he needed their help.

Reading it, I can hear Fuller's voice often but it is not the full throttle Fuller. Still, I am glad I bought it yesterday. Of interest here, one of Fuller's last projects was a remake of "The Night Has A Thousand Eyes" based on the Woolrich novel. Commissioned by Universal, Fuller wrote "The book had all the elements for a good picture. There'd be a million ways to make a
'Fuller' film out of it, first writing a 'grab 'em by the balls' scripts, then getting a powerful cast, inventing exciting shots and setups. 'Hell yes, let's do it!' I said ot Pollock (Tom), and I got down to banging out yet another script."

Too bad Fuller's death kept this project from completion.

Richard Moore


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