Mark wrote:
> miker, they have a website, including addresses,
phone numbers and maps:
*********** Thanks, Mark, Richard, and Anthony. I checked out
the web site and gave them a call. It turns out that they're
open 10 to 6 Monday thru Thursday, and since I'm stuck down a
ways south of D.C. close to the Pax River Naval Base, it
didn't look like I was gonna get a chance to make it by
Second Story Books, so I changed my flight out on Wednesday
to give me time to cruise by before leaving. Their mystery
guy actually offered to give me a private appointment on
Sunday, but I told him no. I figured he mistook me for some
big spending collector, and I didn't want to drag him in
there and disappoint him.
I'm putting together a wish list of 30's and 40's stuff right
Incidentally, was it you, Al, that recommended Vian's I SPIT
ON YOUR GRAVES? I've just about finished it. It's pretty
darned hardcore. I hear they banned it in France!
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