That sounds like the right location and I haven't been there
in a while, but there was always a table of used books right
out front when I walked by in the past and not remainders.
There's also a used book store a block off of M on one of the
side streets.
-- Anthony Dauer Alexandria, Virginia
Et tu, Judas?
-----Original Message----- From: Mark Sullivan Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 11:21 PM
I forget the name of that store (something with Bridge in it?), across from the old Biograph Theater that was turned into a CVS. It's a nice little store, but it's all new books and doesn't have anything out of the ordinary when it comes to mysteries (if you're looking for cultural studies, though, definitely check out the second floor). It is the last small bookstore left in Georgetown after the exodus following Barnes & Noble's opening in the neighborhood.
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