Re: RARA-AVIS: The Continental Detective Agency

From: Mark Sullivan (
Date: 20 Oct 2002

Bill C wrote:

"Joe Mannix was a TV 'tec, but didn't he work for a large agency?"

I remembered Mannix as having an office with his secretary Peggy Fair. However, I looked up Mannix in Max Allan Collins's and John Javna's The Best of Crime & Detective TV and found out that you were right, Bill, for one season:

"During the first season Mannix worked for a Pinkerton-size agency called Intertect, run by one Lew Wickersham, crisply played by Joseph Campanella. The central notion was a good one: Traditional tough private eye hires on with an ultramodern, computerized security outfit. Just as good was the central conflict between white-collar corporate Campanella and blue-collar individualist Mannix. The chemistry between the two actors was tangible and made for compelling viewing. Unfortunately, this format lasted only for the first season, and subsequently Joe Mannix, operating out of a one-man LA agency, became a conentional television private eye."

As for books, I'm having trouble thinking of even small agencies, just Gores's DKA and the one in Stanley Ellin's The Eighth Circle.


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