Re: RARA-AVIS: Rankin & slang question

From: Al Guthrie (
Date: 22 Aug 2002

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mark Sullivan" <> To: <> Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 9:50 PM Subject: RARA-AVIS: Rankin & slang question

> I'd just started Black & Blue when I ran across the phrase
> "like-your-loafers." Is that how that phrase goes in the UK, or at
> least Scotland?

It isn't a phrase that's prevalent in the circles I move in (I should move in a straight line and then maybe I'll get where I'm going) despite the fact that I live in the same town as Mr Rankin. However, a "like-your-loafers" is a homosexual and the phrase is derived from an imagined gay chat-up line. It's probably a modification of an Ancient Greek phrase which roughly translates as "like-your-sandals".

> Also, what's Irn-Bru? Perhaps because of the "Bru," I had always
> assumed it was a beer, but here it is implied that it is non-alcoholic.
> Is it a non-alcoholic beer, some sort of soft drink, what?

Irn-Bru is to Scotland what Coca-Cola is to the US. For an excellent description, have a look at


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