Re: RARA-AVIS: Britspeak

From: George C. Upper III (
Date: 20 Aug 2002

--- wrote:
> Zounds! Gone for a burton down the old apples and
> pears, brown bread as a whatsit. War's lost I'm off
> to cop a blighy and be back for tiffin. Rev Spadge
> Dooley.

Maybe you're not going to have to change the code, after all. I was thinking that burton was burton fink
/ drink and apples and pears is stairs, but then I remembered that it's Barton Fink, not Burton, and by then my head hurt to much to continue an attempted translation.

And to think it's my Mother Tongue. Well, sort of.

And to stay on topic--does anyone know who is currently editing AHMM? I'd heard it had changed recently, but that's an unconfirmed rumor from a questionable source.


===== George C. Upper III, Editor The Lightning Bell Poetry Journal

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