RARA-AVIS: One more Gold Medal story

From: abc@wt.net
Date: 15 Aug 2002

Joe Lansdale is so popular these days, that there's someone willing to publish anything he's ever written. I expect his grocery lists to appear sometime next year. Anyway, someone has now published the dregs of his fictional output. I'd tell you the title if I could remember it. At any rate, once upon a time in the very distant past, Joe and I collaborated on a couple of short stories, one of which actually sold to some Canadian publication after being rejected by everyone in the U.S. and one magazine in Ireland. What does this have to do with Gold Medal Books? Well, Joe wrote a new introduction to the stories, and he tells about an experience he and I had a few years ago in a Half-Price Books when he got between me and a shelf full of Gold Medals. Joe is a member of two or three martial arts halls of fame and in fact runs a martial arts school and has created his own style of fighting, but suffice it to say that I (an out-of-shape teacher) kicked his ass. I don't think he got a single book. And the best part is that they were all half of the cover price. Not to mention that I had an educator's discount card and got an additional 10% off.

Bill Crider

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