From: James Reasoner (
Date: 12 Aug 2002

----- Original Message ----- From: <> To: <> Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 6:12 PM Subject: RARA-AVIS: HARD CASE

> A year or so ago, someone gave a high recommendation to Dan
> Simmons' HARD CASE. Since the paperback just hit the
> stands, I picked it up. It has a great dedication, which
> was also mentioned ("This book is for Richard Stark, who
> sometimes writes under the wussy pseudonym of Donald
> Westlake"). The book starts out over the top and builds
> from there. I can't decide whether Simmons is serious or
> whether he's spoofing. Either way, this is as tough as they
> come. It's fast, it's short (probably about the length of a
> Gold Medal), and it's entertaining. It also has one very
> funny line.
> Bill Crider

I liked HARD CASE a lot and agree that it's a modern version of a Gold Medal. I seem to remember reading that Simmons has at least two more novels in the works featuring the same character.

Best, James

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