Re: RARA-AVIS: police procedurals

From: Joy Matkowski (
Date: 11 Aug 2002

After I wrote: "Still on BritNoir, I'm now reading Bill James's _Top Banana,_ and that's no police procedural either" re, I think, Marianne's comment re Rankin, Al Guthrie <> wrote: "I haven't read it, Joy. Mr T described it as 'a very dark procedural, only there ain't much procedure to the proceedings.'"

It's dark because the initial crime is the murder of a 13-year-old drug runner and because the police dilemma of the book is to either infiltrate the all-powerful drug organizations (the last such infiltrator was killed) or to reach a power-sharing arrangement with them. The book is too much soap opera for me, though, lots of breastbeating and angst and infighting and snide comments about everyone else's tacky taste. There's no police procedure, and neither side seems rational enough to keep a large organization running. Not my cup of tea.
    I did appreciate Harpur's daughters.

Joy, who favors instant black coffee, no sugar

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