Re: RARA-AVIS: Gold Medal question

From: Rene Ribic (
Date: 03 Aug 2002

> The answer to this question is surely on some website, but I thought
I'd ask
> and maybe Bill Crider or James Reasoner or another could tell us what
> know:
> What's the history and current status of Gold Medal? It seemed to me
> for a while there were Fawcett-Gold Medal books that weren't yellow
> didn't have the medal on them. Seemed too that the publisher was in
> Greenwich, Connecticut, for a while. Is it now just a defunct brand
> Bertlesmann or some such?
> Doug
> --

Gold Medal are still around, or were last time I checked but they were bought out some time ago, I believe. IIRC, they are now owned by the people who own Ballantine (& no doubt a whole lot of other stuff).


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